CloverETL is Java-based data integration framework for transforming, cleansing and distribution of data in applications, databases and data warehouses. It uses modular architecture and open standards with lightweight footprint that enable customization and embedding into third party applications. History CloverETL project was started in 2002 as the first Java-based open-source ETL tool, originaly under the name **jETeL**. In 2006 it has been renamed to clover.ETL and in 2009 in was renamed to its current name CloverETL. It was started as a garage project with the vision to bring the performance and functionality of big enterprise ETL tools to regular users who back then did not have the access to enterprise-level systems. Over time it evolved into a data integration toolset ranging from the original core library (CloverETL Engine) to a fully-fledged enterprise platform. Up to this day its core library is maintained as open and free under LGPL with vendor support for the open-source ETL community. In 2010 a visual data transformation Designer has been made public for free use. CloverETL suite CloverETL is a family of tools for data integration from desktop to enterprise deployment. * CloverETL Engine - the core for running data transformation graphs; available under dual licensing: LGPLv2 or commercial license * CloverETL Community - a free graphical data transformation tool with design & execute capability * CloverETL Designer - a commercial visual data transformation tool for designing & executing transformation graphs * CloverETL Server - enterprise platform for managing and executing ETL jobs * CloverETL Cluster - a Server extension for parallel data processing * CloverETL Data Profiler - an extension for data quality tasks Architecture CloverETL is a Java based ETL tool with open source components. It is used either in standalone mode - as a command-line application or server application - or can be embedded in other application (as a Java library). CloverETL is accompanied by CloverETL Designer graphical user interface available either as an Eclipse plugin.or standalone application. A data transformation in CloverETL is represented by a transformation graph - a set of components connected with edges; a component can be either a source - reader, a transformation - reformat, sort, filter, joiner, etc. - or a target - writer. The edges act as pipes transferring data from one component to another, each edge having a certain metadata assigned to it which describe the format of the data it transfers. The graphs are represented in XML files and can be generated dynamically to create flexible environment. Each component runs in a separate thread and acts as a consumer/producer. This helps to get data through the transformation as quickly as possible even for complex graphs with many branches. CloverETL has an extensive mechanism of plugins in the Engine, Designer and the Server. This makes it fairly easy to extend the platform by building custom components, connections etc. Server version of CloverETL supports parallel execution of transformations. The Server runs inside a JavaEE application container. Technical specifications * Pure Java/JavaEE/Eclipse (Java 6+) * Supported platforms ** Windows 32/64 ** Linux 32/64 ** Mac OS X (64) ** HP-UX ** AIX ** AS/400 ** Solaris * Embeddable as a library or service * Parallel data processing / bulk & transaction processing Connectors * CSV and text files delimited, fix-length & combined * XML, large XML files support * XLS/XLSX (MS Excel) * Most RDBMS through JDBC * WebServices through REST/SOAP protocols * JMS * LDAP * dBase/FoxBase/FoxPro * bulk-loaders for Oracle, DB2, MS SQL, Informix, MySQL and PostgreSQL * QuickBase (by Intuit) * Supports remote reading/writing through FTP/SFTP/HTTP/HTTPS protocols and also from ZIP/GZIP/TAR archives Other open-source Java ETL frameworks * Apatar * Talend Open Studio * Expressor * Enhydra Octopus (launches from web browser via Java Web Start) * Pentaho Data Integration