Cloud Side Application

Cloud Side Application (CSA) is a technology for developing and running applications. With CSA, the whole program is stored on the backend and at run time, the server communicates with the end device and automatically divides the task.
The program on the server is event driven and includes commands that are considered client side. At run time, those commands are sent to the client side and implemented natively according to the end deice operating system. On the other side, actions on the client side are sent to the backend and trigger the appropriate events.
The Incentive
Since the invention of the first computer, people have been trying to improve the different programming languages in order to create a convenient and intuitive language for "teaching" the computer what it should do.
Today the development platforms are well advanced and equipped with tools like IntelliSense and languages based on Object-Oriented Programming.
Since the birth of the personal devices, there is demand for a better user experience. As a result, the industry come to understand that an application should run as two separate processes- one running on the user device and the other on the backend.
The problem with this method is that the existing development platforms give an intuitive way for "teaching" the computer what a program should do. This is neither convenient nor easy at the level of the application.
Programmers must develop separated programs for each side as well as a means for inter-communication.
The main objective of CSA is to create an ultimate development platform that sees the application as a single unit and enables the machine to divide the task properly for two different programs. In technical terms: CSA gives a library for representing the user device on the backend.
Once the user device synthesizes the integral components into the application, it can be scaled up by using standard object oriented techniques. Using these tools, an individual can develop high-end objects for any purpose including objects that combine end device and backend components.
At run time, the CSA application sends and receives the required commands as information. These commands can be implemented natively on any operation system. Accordingly, CSA is a multiplatform tool that uses a single, unified language, thereby saving much of the effort required by programming in different layers and languages for each platform.
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