
ClipShare is a video sharing software application which allows the user to create a web site similar to YouTube, and is often called a YouTube-clone.
It is written in PHP and uses MySQL databases. As with most other video sharing software, Clip-Share uses ffmpeg, a collection of software libraries that can record, convert and stream digital audio and video in numerous formats.
Creating video-sharing websites seems to have become a pretty popular niche, with several high-ranking popular video-sharing websites (many of adult content) running the script. Although the script is commercial, it has a large community userbase which also supplies additional modifications and fixes available to the public for free or commercially.
The latest version is Clip-Share 4, which has added many notable features such as multi-server load balancing, multi-language system, and an enhanced administrative user interface.
System requirements
Basic Clip-Share
* Linux Server (some old distributions are not supported)
* Apache Web Server
* MySQL (version 4 +)
* PHP (version 5.x + /)
* PHP Configuration
** safe_mode = off
** max_execution_time = 1000 (recommended to prevent timeouts during video upload/conversion)
** session.gc_maxlifetime = 14000 (recommended to prevent session expires during video upload)
** open_basedir = (no value)
** output_buffering = on
** upload_max_filesize = 100M (recommended maximum video upload size in MB)
** post_max_size = 100M (recommended maximum video upload size in MB)
* GD Library 2 or higher
* Mplayer + Mencoder (
* Flv2tool (
* Libogg + Libvorbis (
* LAME MP3 Encoder (
ClipShare 4.0 Pro Requirements
These requirements are in addition to those above in order to run Clip-Share 4.0 Pro
* CGI-BIN Access
* Apache mod_rewrite Enabled
* PHP Configuration (php.ini):
**register_argc_argv = On
* Must be able to run PHP from the command line (CLI) with exec()
* Allowed execution of background processes with exec("binary > /dev/null &")
External links
*Official Clip-Share Website
*Clip-Share Website
*Clip-Share Demo Site
*Clip-Share User's Wiki
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