Cliff Field

Cliff Field, born 06/03/1943 in Dunstable, England, also known as "Cliffy Field" and "Iron Man", was a professional boxer between 1968 and 1971. He achieved greater renown after this on the unlicensed circuit. Among his victims was the self-proclaimed "Guv'nor", Lenny McLean, who was knocked out twice by Field. In a 1982 bankruptcy case, McLean described Field by saying "He looked as though he had come out of the mountains. He was six foot seven inches, weighed 19½ stone and was as strong as a horse" (although footage of the two fighting would indicate this is to be a gross exaggeration, possibly an attempt of McLean to excuse his alleged loses. Although one of the toughest men in London, He was beaten up outside of a West End Nightclub by Robert Black, Who was a burly enforcer in London's Gangland who stood at 6 foot 10 inches tall and weighed 22 stone in his prime. The fight occurred because Field had owed him money and he had been given the task of getting it back. Black was later shot dead and his body disposed of at sea.
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