
CleverTexting is a new Mobile Texting Technology that predicts letters as you type. Its a product from India based myMobile Ergonomics. CleverTexting was released on 31st Dec 2008. A Java implementation of CleverTexting was made available for free download from the .
Statistical Prediction
CleverTexting makes predictions based on the statistical nature of a language (popular phonemes and syllabary extant in the language). For example there are no words in English which are like "tnmspxi" or "qltishtz" but words like "anades" or "wendora" are possible and hence such are words that occur both in dictionary and names of people and places in popular usage. CleverTexting uses this insight to make predictions on letters you are most likely to type next based on what you have typed before and the statistical likelihoods over the language.
CleverTexting is dictionaryless and contains no dictionary part, only statistical tables. Hence CleverTexting performs equally well across dictionary and non dictionary words. It is also a lightweight technology that can easily be implemented with little demands. Along with a patent pending user interface innovation of dynamic key assignment, it offers a means for single keystroke typing on limited keypad devices like the mobile phone. And offers an overall smoother typing experience to the user.
User Interface Innovation
CleverTexting uses a concept of dynamic allocation of characters of the alphabets to the keypad. The screen responds with fresh assignments based on what you have typed. Hence there are no alphabets permanently mapped to any keys of the ambiguous keypad. The user only needs to look at the screen while he types.
Several Modes
CleverTexting is offered in several modes. One in which the likely keys are assigned to positions easiest to reach for the thumb, as when the phone is variously held in the Right Hand and Left Hand. There is another version where alphabets are assigned to positions where they are normally found in the legacy keypad. And in another version keys are assigned to locations nearest to the last used key, so you can type with the smallest thumb movements. All of these modes are available in the same implementation.
Other Languages
CleverTexting has been implemented for the English language. However the Statistical nature of every language is different, for example East European phonemes are very different and similarly African languages have their own unique phonemes. Hence there has to be separate implementations of the technology for each language.
SMS Compression
CleverTexting offers on phone SMS compression. The free application does about 30-40% compression reliably. But compression requires both ends to have the CleverTexting software installed.
One has to look at the screen and type.
One needs to get used to the new model of typing.
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