Clayton McClure

Clayton McClure's Family and Friends
Clayton McClure's father, Tom McClure, was a missionary to Europe, Asia, and the Middle East and is mentioned in the book, The Gentle Giant.

Clayton McClure is friends with Mark Hall, the lead singer of the Christian Rock Band, Casting Crowns. Clayton McClure is a well known musician in the McDonough, Georgia area, and helps lead worship with some of the members at their church..

Clayton McClure is quoted saying, "Colorado is God's Country."

Clayton McClure's Missionary Work
Clayton McClure has been a missionary for most of his life. He has served as a missionary on every life supporting continent in the world. He has served in Honduras, Costa-Rica, Jamaica, United States, Israel, several European Nations, and Lebanon. Clayton McClure was evacuated from his missionary work in Lebanon during the Lebanon-Israeli conflict.

Clayton McClure and the Student Leadership Institute
Clayton McClure became a teacher in the Student Leadership Institute in 2007. Since his introduction to the organization, he has become the president of the Student Leadership Institute Board.
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