Classical Turns

Classical Turns is a web-based translation and branding service in the Classical languages (Latin and Ancient Greek). Founded in 2006 and based in Cambridge, Great Britain, Classical Turns was the first company to offer translation services that concerned not only renderings into and out of Latin and Ancient Greek but also translations between these two languages, and to undertake original compositions on specified topics, in both prose and verse, and is a well-known source for the creation of tattoos in Latin and Greek. The service was drawn to operating online owing to the infamously lamentable state of English-Latin automatic translation tools that exist and the complete absence of a viable English-Ancient Greek translation tool: it is generally agreed that Machine translation still has a long way to develop before being able to tackle languages so heavily inflected as Latin and Greek. Classical Turns is known to have worked with Mattel in the production of an official version of Latin Scrabble, a variant of the game that has previously been played with the traditional board and letters.
The service takes its name from a passing comment made by Sir Theodore Martin about translating the poetry of the Roman lyric poet Horace

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