Civil rights movement in Japan

Denial of civil rights
Millions of people in Japan are minority. Under Japan's law, even if you are born in Japan, you are not a Japanese citizen. You are registered as "alien" under a Japanese law. Even if you are born in Japan, you are "alien" when your parents are not a Japanese citizen. You must always carry an "alien registration card" with you if you go out to buy some Honey Bun and orange juice. Japanese laws say so. They are often denied basic rights. Some minority are denied a bank account because they are ethnic minority. A bank denied minority a savings account in 2007. To gather sensitive information is prohibited by the law. Ethnic backgroud is sensitive information. The bank broke the law and got personal information illegally. Minority civil rights organization VAIBS filed a lawsuit against the bank over ID theft. After the lawsuit the illegal bank was forced to abolish the ID theft policy. VAIBS movement is similar to Greensboro Sit-Ins.
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