Cicero Method

The Cicero Method is a mnemonic technique, based off of the method of loci, which allows memorization of sequential information.
The Method
Cicero support images are created by mentally 'walking around' a location you are familiar with. Objects are selected in clock-wise or counter-clockwise order, yielding a set of support images which are naturally memorized in order already. Visual informational elements are then attached to these locations.
Example: In your living room you might have a lamp, chair, table, bookshelf, and mirror. To memorize the list 'Paper towels - chocolate - carrot - apple - plate' you would imagine paper towels on a lamp, chocolate on the chair, a carrot on the table, etc... All of these images would be connected following the guidelines set forth in the Chain Method
The greatest strength of this method is that information is connected independently of other elements. So if one connection is forgotten, the rest remain intact.
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