Chromatic Assesment in Education

On the other side of the Atlantic, the French government pushed by teachers and researchers already experimented chromatic grading systems in a couple of schools and high-schools since 2012 and which lead the French Minister of Education, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, to officially launch a “grade-free classroom ” programme in September 2015. The located 1 rue Viete Tadon, 17001 La Rochelle (France) was one of these first institutions which experimented since 2012 a grade-free grading system based on colors. Their system involves three chromatic values Green for “acquired”, Orange for “about to be acquired” and Red for “not acquired”. Since then, some other establishments now use a slightly different system with more chromatic values in it: Red, “Not acquired”; Orange, “On its way to being acquired”; Yellow, “About to be acquired”; Green, “Acquired”; and Blue, "Expert". The located in Versailles, for instance, uses this last system but with a shading of colors going from black to green.
In 2016, a Franco-American team of researchers actually found a way to measure and quantify it mathematically from pre-school years to postgraduate studies in a way that would be coherent, meaningful, efficient, and continuous.
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