Christian Gerlin

Christian Gerlin (born June 11, 2002) is a German politician for The Left party. He is the state chairmen for public relations and finances for Left Youth Solid in Bremen.
He has published numerous texts as part of his public relations work, including an article in Neues Deutschland. Gerlin appeared in Buten un binnen Television news segments about his political activities and was quoted several times in the Weser-Kurier.
Gerlin was born in Bremen. He will graduate from Verden Cathedral High School in the graduating class of 2021.
In mid-2018, he joined the Left Party and Left Youth Solid in Lower Saxony.
At the end of 2019, Gerlin moved to the Bremen state association of Linksjugend Solid and in 2020 re-founded the local grassroots group Viertel (Bremen) with other activists. social justice and pandemic prevention. MdB Niema Movassat and MdBB Maja Tegeler. Gerlin also moderated an event on anti-Semitism research.
In his work as state spokesman for Linksjugend Solid, he wrote numerous articles for internal party publication.
Events during protests against protective measures due to COVID-19 pandemic in Bremen, Germany, December 5, 2020
Gerlin participated in demonstrations against the protests of "Querdenken421", which were banned by the Bundesverfassungsgericht. There he spoke with media representatives for the participants of a blockade assigned in the self-conception to the "Antifa" against an illegal gathering of "Querdenken421" with 300 participants.<ref name="Jean-Pierre Fellmer"/>
The German news program Buten un binnen reported on the events and broadcast an interview excerpt in which Gerlin describes the goal of the blockade as ending the banned demonstration of "Querdenken421". Buten un binnen described the blockade as successful.<ref name=":82"/>
As a result of the events, Gerlin wrote an article about the demonstration in which he criticizes the police work at the demonstration. In doing so, he shares Buten un binnen's assessment that the dissolution of the demonstration only took place due to the media pressure that arose as a result of the blockade.<ref name":82"/><ref name":32"/> Gerlin further criticizes that the police only planned to issue expulsions and that the participants of the demonstrations wouldn't have faced any legal consequences if it weren't for the public pressure.<ref name=":32"/>
* "Eine »fremdenfeindliche« Tat und »nur« zehn Opfer?" In: Neues Deutschland
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