Christian Drapeau

Christian Drapeau (Born March 8, 1965 in Montreal, Canada) is an American author and self-styled "stem cell expert", the author of a book called The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal (Sutton Hart Press 2009). Drapeau is also the author of several other books ranging from Accelerated Learning to Amazon Herbs to Cracking the Stem Cell Code (Sutton Hart Press 2010).
*J’apprends à Apprendre (Editions de Mortagne, 1996, French; translated in 6 English, Spanish, Italian, German, Romanian, and Portuguese).
*Primordial Food (2003, Unity International)
*How Amazon Herbs Work in the Body (2003)
*The Stem Cell Theory of Renewal (2009 Sutton Hart Press)
*Cracking the Stem Cell Code (2010 Sutton Hart Press)
*Le pouvoir insoupçonné des cellules souches en français (2010 Les Editions de l'Homme)
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