Choose Now: A One Act Musical

Production History:

Choose Now is a original one act musical, book by Caitlin Neiman and music and lyrics by Matthew Capurro. Originally written for the 2006 New Play Festival at California State University, Fullerton

Choose Now was also produced in part with the Ukiah Players Theatre, and their wednesday New Play Readings on January 9, 2008

Currently Choose Now will run as part of the Spring One Act Festival of California State University, Fullerton.


The action of the play takes place over the course of a single day. Will Tierman is a newly appointed manager for Montgomery Wards and lives with his wife Claire in a small non-de-script apartment. Will dreams of quitting his job and becoming a musical theater star. His drive is so great that it actually becomes personified in the third and final character of Sexy Woman. On this day, Will is confronted by Sexy Woman who wants to convince Will to leave his wife and follow his dreams of being a star.


Will: (20-30's) Manager of Montgomery Wards. Dreams of becoming a musical theater star.

Claire: (20-30's) Stay at home wife of Will. Extremely rational.

Sexy Woman: (20-30's) The personification of all of Will's drive and ambition. She is goal oriented and extremely driven.


1. The Whole Worlds A Stage

2. Ten Years Later

3. Women of Musical Theater

4. Tango of Death

5. Claire's Apology

6. The Whole Worlds A Stage (Reprise)

7. On Your Own
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