
Chisbee is a portmanteau, combining the words "chair" and "frisbee," which are the only pieces of equipment necessary to play the game.

The game was invented at the Sunland Navigators 2008 Pine Valley Summer Training Program for semester schools. A group of the students there had a frisbee and used the lawn chairs to create a game. Chisbee will be played again at the Arizona Schools' 1st Annual Nav Olympics.

Game play
As the game is very new and was impromptu, the rules have not been set in stone, and there are still some things that need to be worked out. The rules of the game as it was played are as follows:
* There are 2 lawn chairs spaced considerably (the exact difference has not yet been established).
* There are 2 players, each standing behind the front legs of one of the chairs.
* The players then take turns throwing a frisbee at the chair that they are not standing behind. They must stay behind the front legs of the chair to throw. There are no restrictions on how the disc can be thrown, with players generally using forehand or backhand throws.

Players are allowed to distract their opponents by waving their arms in front of the chair, as long as they do not touch the chair or the disc, or step in front of the front two legs of the chair.

The scoring is simple, but self monitoring. There have yet to be disputes on scoring, but if such a dispute arises, the players must come to an agreement.

The scoring is as follows:
*Hit any part of the chair with frisbee: 1 point
*Land frisbee underneath chair or slide under: 2 points
::Note: If disc lands on chair and then rolls under, or rolls from outside of the chair and then underneath, this counts for 2 points. As long as the disc was at one point during the turn underneath the chair, it receives 2 points.
*Land frisbee on seat of chair: 3 points.

The game was originally intended to go to 10, but it was changed to 7 after the first game took quite a bit of time.
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