Chiropractic in Canada

Chiropractic in Canada is licensed at the provincial and territorial level. Council on Chiropractic Education of Canada accredits educational programs.
Canadian Federation of Chiropractic Regulatory and Educational Accrediting Boards
The "Canadian Federation of Chiropractic Regulatory and Educational Accrediting Boards" (French La fédération chiropratique canadienne des organismes de réglementation professionnelle et d'agrément des programmes d'enseignement) is a Canadian national association of provincial and territorial chiropractic licensing authorities and accredited educational programs. In Canada, chiropractic is licensed at the provincial and territorial level; the federation provides a clearinghouse for these authorities to exchange information and resources.
Canadian Chiropractic Examining Board requires all candidates to complete a 12-month clinical internship to obtain licensure, as well as write a total of 3 exams in their 4th year of study. Candidates must successfully pass Components A and B (Written Cognitive Skills Examination) to be eligible for the Clinical Skills Examination. Canadian accrediting standards are higher than the United States, and admission requirements into the Doctor of Chiropractic Degree programme are the strictest in North America.
Regulation & standards
Chiropractic is regulated by provincial statute in all 10 Canadian provinces. Chiropractors have the legislated right to use the title doctor in all provincial jurisdictions. Some provincial jurisdictions, such as Manitoba, require that chiropractors also display or makes use of the word "Chiropractic" or the word "Chiropractor" immediately preceding or following the word doctor.
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