Chilled vacuum packed beef

Chilled vacuum packed beef is a process of preserving beef meat.

The object of this process is to prolong the shelf life of beef, that is to say, prolong the time between production and consumption of the beef for humans , in such a way that the result is assured, without having to recur to freezing or other methods of conservation.
The period of prolongation of the quality of the product depends on factors involved in the vacuum process, as each one interact during the procedure.
The object of this process is that cuts be covered by a film that acts as a barrier to water vapour as well as to oxygen, in such a way to obtain an adequate microclimate between the film and the cut for the proliferation of beneficial bacteria such as lactic(similar as those present in yoghurt), amongst others, presenting in this way a habitat not propitious for the development of undesired bacteria that could damage the meat and result it risky for human consumption, diminishing by this way to a minimum development of same.
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