Chew (film)

Chew is an upcoming American animated crime film directed by Jeff Krelitz. The film stars Steven Yeun, Felicia Day, and David Tennant. The film is based on the 2009 comics of same name by John Layman and Rob Guillory.
* Steven Yeun as Tony Chu
* Felicia Day as Amelia Mintz
* David Tennant as Mason Savoy
On April 22, 2014, it was announced that the 2009 comic Chew would be getting an animated feature film to be produced by Jeff Krelitz and David Boxenbaum through their company Heavy Metal. Jeff Krelitz would also be directing and John Layman would write. The executive producers would be John Layman, Rob Guillory, and Scott Boxenbaum. Steven Yeun of The Walking Dead would be voicing the lead character Tony Chu and Felicia Day would be voicing his love interest Amelia Mintz. On June 19, 2015, David Tennant was set to voice the character Mason Savoy, which Robin Williams was previously attached to provide. The project was put on hold the previous year due to Williams' death. Yeun and Day already recorded their parts before Williams' death but Tennant started work after the announcement.<ref name="TennantCast" />
As of January 1, 2019, all information about Chew had been removed from the Internet Movie Database, leaving the film's status in doubt.
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