Charlie Anne xavier

On September 10, 2021, Charlie Anne Xavier suffered a horrific work accident at her family's Craft Brewery in Virginia, she sustained 3rd- and 4th-degree burns in 85% of her body. She was rescued by the Gordonsville Volunteer Fire Departmen<nowiki/>t who provided the critical first care to prepare her to be airlifted by Pegasus Air Medical Transportto the Burn Unit at the VCU Medical Center in Richmond, VA.
Medical care
When Charlie Anne Xavier arrived at VCU Burn Unit, she was conscious and received immediate care from the burn team, she had a 3% chance of survival due to her burn injuries, Charlie edured 42 surgeries to date, her only chance of survival was the advanced and costly CEA (Cultured Epidermal Autograft) also known as Epicel.
This humanitarian device (cultured epidermal autografts) is authorized for use in adult and pediatric patients who have deep dermal or full thickness burns comprising a total body surface area greater than or equal to 30%. It may be used in conjunction with split-thickness autografts, or alone in patients for whom split-thickness autografts may not be an option due to the severity and extent of their burns.
Her Doctors used a new technique when they combined CEA with RECELL® Autologous Cell Harvesting Device in order to achieve the best possible outcome in terms of survival.
Charlie Anne Xavier was discharged from the Burn Unit ICU at VCU Medical Center after 172 days hospitalized and 42 surgeries, she continues her treatment at the in patient Sheltering Arms institute: Physical Rehabilitation Hospital.
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