Charles Linden

Charles Linden (born February 4, 1968) is a British author, and developer of a programme for the reduction of anxiety and stress.

Personal life

Linden was born in Kidderminster, Worcestershire, England, and is married, with two children.

Career & Linden Method Development
Charles attended school and university in the UK. Linden worked in TV production for a number of years whilst suffering with anxiety disorder before discovering and documenting his Method for anxiety elimination. Linden began distributing his Method free of charge through his website but as numbers grew and Charles' commitment to the people he helped increased, he made a career decision to concentrate solely on helping anxious people. Since then, Linden has helped over 100,000 people with anxiety from around the world.

The Linden Centers

In 1999, Linden opened the first Linden Centre, which provide his resources to individuals with anxiety disorders. These centres are located in the United States, Heidelberg, Germany, Majorca, Spain and the United Kingdom, all operating in the country's primary language. Linden has developed written, video and audio products, distributed by LifeWise Publishing worldwide, a company owned and operated by Linden. The Linden Centres also provide anxiety, stress and life coaching workshops to individuals and corporations.

The Linden Method

The Linden Method is a life-coaching program developed by Linden. Linden believes anxiety is not a mental illness, but a habit that can be remedied with lifestyle changes, mindset changes and deliberate actions which reprogram part of the subconscious mind responsible for the creation and perpetuation of anxiety conditions.

Linden states that by reversing the formation of the anxiety disorder, elimination of inappropriate anxiety is inevitable and permanent; The Linden Method provides, what Linden believes to be, a reverse engineered antidote to anxiety disorders, which resets the benchmark anxiety level in the subconscious mind.

The Linden Method has been reviewed by Dr. Paul Salkovskis in the magazine Anxious Times. He criticized the Linden Method as based on flawed science, expensive, and having a "cultic element".

Dr Allan Norris, a consultant clinical psychologist and member of the British Psychological Society, who works at Birmingham's Nuffield Hospital, said the Linden Method appeared to be a sensible approach to dealing with anxiety.

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