Central Solar Reserve Bank of Accompong

The Central Solar Reserve Bank of Accompong was enacted by the Maroon Council as a "unique and modern institution" which has become the driving force behind Accompong's climate change initiative. The bank is scheduled to issue its first physical notes, called the Lumi, in October 2016. The creation of the bank suggests a clear transition from Accompong's purely traditional and historical status on the Island of Jamaica towards a more modern Maroon state.
The Founding Governor of the bank is Timothy Elisha McPherson Jr. who is currently the Acting Minister of Finance in Accompong. Mr. McPherson was previously the international representative for the GCPP in Ghana, he was former CEO of the Pan-African Energy Fund, and he was also Secretary-General of the Time For Africa Campaign Group. The Central Solar Reserve Bank of Accompong has become instrumental for Accompong in establishing "a new era of pan-African cooperation on various fronts, particularly in the area of climate change mitigation and renewable energy finance".
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