Celia Berrell

Celia Berrell is an England-born Australian writer and poet. She is best known for her series of Science Rhymes, which have been published by the CSIRO and in textbooks for Australian, Irish and Canadian high school students.
Before relocating to Australia, Celia pursued a career in teaching mathematics and science for four years.
Celia Berrell is an internationally published poet accepted by education textbooks in three countries; and she is a member of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators; the international professional organization for writers and illustrators of children’s literature.
In 2010, Berrell received a grant from the Cairns Regional Council toward establishing a mentorship for science poetry with James Cook University.
Her work has been included in the book 2,000 Feral Pigs: My Part in Their Downfall, by Dr. Peter Heise-Pavlov,
the Australian high school text book Macmillan English 7 and the Irish school text book Better English 6th Class. She was also a finalist in USA Today's 2010 stem cell poetry contest.
Berrell is regular contributor to Australia’s CSIRO children’s magazine Scientriffic, in which she combines science and rhyming verse.
Her educational resources have received approval from organisations such as the James Cook University and the Flinders University in Australia and the Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences in UK.
In 2012, with the assistance of a grant from the Regional Arts Development Fund, Science Educator Dr Clifford Jackson from James Cook University Cairns Australia, vetted over 100 Science Rhymes poems for their scientific accuracy and educational merit. The first 34 poem, with endorsement by Dr Clifford Jackson in the introduction, were released as an eBook on Amazon Kindle (and limited edition hard copy) book titled Celia Berrell’s Science Rhymes.
Celia Berrell is the official biographer for artist Sharon Davson. A small series of 'Inflight Magazine' articles she wrote about Davson and her art were published with each article including a poem by Berrell as her interpretation of one of the paintings illustrated. In all, Berrell has written around 100 poems inspired from art by Sharon Davson. According to Janice Nitschke - Board Member - South Australian Libraries, this is a world first such collaboration. Many artists illustrate literature, but it is unknown for a poet to write such a body of work based on the art of one artist.
Three of the poems inspired by the works of art by Sharon Davson are the poems published in school text books titles being for Australia’s MacMillan English 7 includes The Beauty of It All accompanied by Davson’s painting Called Away; Ireland’s Educate.ie Better English 6th Class features Town And Country Air; Canada’s Nelson English 10 features Mother of Invention. Berrell's art inspired poems also find their own ways to educate as they become 'republished by others'.
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