Carrier Air Conditioner move to Mexico

On 10 February 2016, Carrier Air Conditioner, a division of United Technologies, announced that it was moving its manufacturing operations to Mexico. A cellphone video, shot by an employee and posted on Youtube, showing a company representative telling the assembled workers that, “The best way to stay competitive and protect the business for long-term is to move production from our facility in Indianapolis to Monterrey, Mexico,” quickly went viral, and, according to the New York Times, three days after the Carrier announcement Presidential candidate Donald Trump made the company's decision to move to Mexico, "a centerpiece of his stump speeches attacking free trade." The move has played a role in the 2016 presidential campaigns of Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump.
Decision to move
On 10 February, 2016 Carrier announced its plans to move its manufacture of air conditioning equipment, now located in Indianapolis, Indiana, to Monterrey, Mexico in 2017. The move of the Indianapolis plant to Mexico will result in the loss of 1,400 jobs in Indianapolis.
Initially merely a local news story, a video of a Carrier representative announcing the move was posted on Facebook by posted on Facebook by LaKeisha Austin and picked up by Fox News The Indianapolis Star and other news outlets on February 12. He tells that that, "I want to be clear, this is strictly a business decision," as "agonized, collective cry goes up. People swear, shout and look away." Voters supporting both Sanders and Trump told New York Times journalists that the loss of jobs caused by free trade policies is their #1 issue.
Others focus on Trump's position. Dismissing Trump's argument as "folk economics," Tim Worstall argues that moving production to low-wage countries like Mexico is good for Americans who can buy air conditioners more cheaply. By contrast, Jim Cramer thinks Trump is correct when he asserts that trade deals lowering tariff barriers have devastated the American economy.
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