Carrie Ryan

Carrie Ryan (born January 15, 1974) is an American author, working primarily in the field of Young Adult Fiction.
She is the author of the forthcoming literary horror novel The Forest of Hands and Teeth. A sequel, The Dead-Tossed Waves, is scheduled for release in Spring of 2010, both by Random House's Delacorte Press.
Born and raised in Greenville, South Carolina, Ryan currently resides in Charlotte, North Carolina with her fiance J.P. Price. She is a graduate of Williams College, and a classmate of Graceling author Kristin Cashore. Before passing the bar, Ryan interned at the Greenville County Coroner's Office, taught SAT prep for The Princeton Review, and participated in a Mayan archeological dig in El Peten, Guatemala.
She completed The Forest of Hands and Teeth during National Novel Writing Month, her first foray into horror fiction.
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