Carolyn Miracle Ross

Carolyn Miracle Ross was a petroleum geologist. She was the founder of the Houston Geological Society (HGS) subgroup—International Explorationists. Ross was the recipient of many geological awards like the HGS' Distinguished Service Award. She retired from practising petroleum geology not long after, in the early 2010s. She is still an active participant in the geological community. when she proposed to the then current president Peggy Price the possibility of a sub group within the HGS. The group was approved in September 1982 and Carolyn was asked to serve as the first chairman of the group. She was also tasked with organizing and managing the group. The group interacted with international operations and worked together to study geological and geophysical basins around the world.
Achievements and Awards
Ross graduated with honours and Phi Beta Kappa from the University of Arkansas with a B.S. degree in geology and a minor in environmental sciences. After graduating, she joined Phillips Petroleum in Bartlesville, Oklahoma, as an International Geologist.
In 1986, Ross formed her own independent consultant company called Miracle Exploration, Inc. Ross managed and completed exploration projects all over the world. She completed her projects in North and West Africa, Europe, the Middle East, Central and South America, Austria, Canada, Atlantic Margins and the Gulf Coast of the United States. She has presented and published scholarly works on the geology of places she explored.
Ross was a valuable member of the HGS. In 1983, she formed a sub-group within the HGS for those involved in international exploration. Ross’s bright ideas and accomplishments are responsible for what we know today as the International Explorationists Group. She is also an active member of AAPG and the American Association for the Advancement of Science.
Ross was awarded with the Distinguished Service Award from the HGS in 1990, which was commemorated in their monthly bulletin.
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