Carol Rosin

Carol Sue Rosin (born March 29, 1944) is an American educator, author, aerospace executive, and space and missile defense consultant. She is a former spokesperson for Wernher von Braun and has consulted to a number of companies, organizations, government departments and the intelligence community. She is the current President of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space (ISCOS) which she Founded. Dr. Rosin has received the support of various prominent individuals, some of whom are on the website . She is also a witness for The Disclosure Project.
She received a Bachelor of Science from the University of Delaware and an Honorary Doctorate in Humanities from Archbishop Soloman Gbadebo, Nigeria.
Fairchild Industries
Rosin, an educator, became the first woman to hold the executive position of Corporate Manager at Fairchild Industries According to Rosin's accounts, Von Braun spent the last years of his life explaining to her his position that space-based weapons are dangerous, destabilizing, too costly, unnecessary, and unworkable, and explaining the available alternatives.
Space weapons and future technology applications consultant
Rosin has been a consultant to corporations and organizations, including TRW, Disney, GE, IBM and the National Space Institute on space and defense. She has testified before the U.S. Congress, the U.S. Senate, the President's Commission on Space and has met with people in over 100 countries about the feasibility of banning space-based weapons.
Current life
Carol Rosin is the Founder of the Institute for Security and Cooperation in Outer Space (ISCOS). She is World Peace Ambassador for the International Association of Educators for World Peace, IAEWP, a UN-NGO (ECOSOC).
On, one can find the prominent co-authors of the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011 including Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Scott Jones, Abe Krieger, Commander Will Miller, Ret., and supporter Former Canadian Minister of Defense, Honorable Paul Hellyer.
She currently lives in the United States. The global Call to Action is posted on where one can find a more extensive biography, and the Outer Space Security and Development Treaty of 2011 can be downloaded. The intention is to have this Treaty signed into law during 2011-2012.
Rosin has received the Space Humanitarian Award in 2000 from the United Societies in Space for her 30 years of dedication on the subject, a Science Teachers Gold Medal Award, an Aviation Writers Award and an American Society of Engineering Educators Award for organizing the motivation program "It's Your Turn" for youth, women and minorities.
Radio Interviews
* The Space Show - June 29, 2004
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