Carbon Neutral Antarctica

Carbon Neutral Antarctica (CNA) is an international non-profit organization working on issues and research to make Antarctica the world’s first carbon neutral continent by 2020 CE.
The group says its mission is "make Antarctica the world's first carbon neutral continent". Currently, much of its work focuses on the implementation of renewable energies, such as wind power and photo voltaic. Sustainability is a major concern for the future of Antarctica, the use of fuel as energy generation comes with many concerns in the preservation of the marine life, pollution and climate change.
Carbon Neutral Antarctica was created by two students, on their return of a Students On Ice expedition. Quickly growing with the help of a growing number of professionals and students, the organization was ultimately created as it's known as today.
As a student driven initiative CNA focuses on raising awareness, one of it's objectives is using the knowledge they gain from they're operations to refine the available information.
Work with governments
The organization is aiming to work with governments as collaborator and lobbyist.
Carbon Neutral Antarctica works on publishing studies on the feasibility of renewable energies in Antarctica.
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