Car drumming

Car drumming
The use of cars for drumming is quite unconventional as the purpose of cars is to move people from A to B, and the materials not particularly suitable for drumming. Yet, there are a number of application fields. For each field, a typical example is given. Note that drumming motorized vehicles such as fall out of the scope of car drumming. Examples of those vehicles can be found by typing "car drumming" in Google Images.
Drumming on the car interior
Many of the readers are familiar with drumming on the steering wheel and the car interior while waiting for a red light or in the traffic jam. Alex Camnasio brought this to a higher level by sampling various interior and exterior sounds such as smashing doors and producing the following video:.
Drumming on the car exterior
Playing with hands on the roof of a car produces a tone that is continuously changing with the position where the roof is hit. The car drummer makes use of that property to produce tonal rhythmical music.
This kind of car drumming has been performed at least since the 1990s.
Car drumming can be performed alone, by a duo or together with existing music. Choice of the car (e.g. metallic or plastic roof) makes a difference. Opening windows or doors improves the sound level. Playing with hands is more natural, playing with mallets produces a well-defined sound.
Street theatre using car drumming
In the above applications, the aim of drumming is to produce music using the car. On top of that, the musical act is mobile. Rehearsing or playing on the car soon attracts people on the street. A new type of street theatre is born.
Destructive drumming on a car
Car drumming with thick wooden sticks by the car drummers Christian and Leo in Germany was used as a foreplay for the destruction of a car in the TV show "Das Supertalent".
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