Capstone Programme

The Capstone Programme is part of Nanyang Polytechnic's Talent Development Programme. It was initiated in 2012 and it aims to provide students with a strong foundation to pursue their aspirations and to develop their potential beyond their academic excellence.

This is a growing programme for NYP students who wish to expand their learning opportunities. The students from the various schools will attend their own School Talent Development Programmes and come together for an annual 3-day Capstone Forum as well as for ad hoc events and projects.

The Capstone Programme focuses on one's self-awareness, enhancing their leadership and communication skills, and inspiring everyone to contribute to the society.
:* Understand Yourself
::Learn about your own strengths and weaknesses through a profiling assessment workshop.
:* Honing Leadership Skills
::Display and further hone your leadership skills through activities in the annual Capstone Forum.
:* Marketable In Job Market
::Perfect persuasive communication and interview skills through an in-depth workshop that makes you suitable in the working environment.
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