Canine Efficiency

Canine Efficiency is a non-profit organisation initiated in 2013 and developed out of various similar project activities since 2009. Canine Efficiency focusses on effective, non lethal conflict prevention between predators and humans through the correct use of good livestock guard dogs (LGDs) instead interference by humans. Canine Efficiency aims for the most efficient use of dogs within their utility purpose. Nature and dogs are closely connected.
Nature conservation has many facets and various specialities, including correct implementation of LGDs. Canine Efficiency works especially with Ciobanesc Romanesc Carpatin dogs in Romania.
Canine Efficiency (internationally) works to help shepherds and livestock farmers to start or improve a responsible LGD situation, resulting in livestock being safe from various threats in a sustainable, non lethal and effective way.
In addition Canine Efficiency writes articles, aiming to educate stakeholders regarding LGDs, coexistence and responsible predator conflict prevention.
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