
The Urantia Book, also referred to as the Urantia Papers or The Fifth Epochal Revelation, reveals the nature of Caligastia as a once brilliant being who upon embracing sin and iniquity, yielded to the oblivion of cosmic insanity—loss of personality control. The Urantia Book explains the degrees and extent to which a personality strays from identification with Deity Absolutes and universe reality as:
* error: a misconception or distortion of reality, lack of intellectual ardor
*evil: an incomplete understanding of, or maladjustment to, universe realities—a deficiency in wisdom
*sin: deliberate resistance to divine reality or the conscious choice to oppose spiritual progress
*iniquity: involves the open and persistent defiance of recognized reality “and signifies such a degree of personality disintegration as to border on cosmic insanity.”
Origin and Personal Background
Caligastia was a secondary Lanonandek Son, number 9,344 in the universe of Nebadon, under the fatherhood of Christ Michael. He was an experienced administrator in local universe affairs in general and during later ages his efforts were focused on the management of the system of Satania.
Although Caligastia was restless under authority and mildly resentful of supervision, whenever a test in universe loyalty presented itself he remained loyal; he always proved trustworthy to the universe rulers and obedient to the ordinances of the Constellation Fathers. “No real fault was ever found in him up to the time of his shameful betrayal of Urantia.”
One outstanding character trait that might have revealed something was amiss with Caligastia was his ultraindividualism. Caligastia had been patiently instructed, and lovingly confronted about his tendencies to be critical of others, especially his superiors. He had been fairly warned about his subtly evolving self-pride and its associated delusions of self-importance and character aggrandizement. We see through Caligastia that humility is not the coronation of an experienced soul; although experiential memory can contribute to making better choices in alignment with the Universal Father, it is the constant renewal of the person’s consecration to the doing of the Universal Father’s will, and not their own, that ensures life eternal. It is always the personality’s choice to abide by truth and the way of the righteous or to reject it and instead chose evil, sin, iniquity and the way of the transgressor. Despite brilliance, intelligence, and experience, will-creatures are always presented with choice and it is our responsibility to chose correctly.
Petition to Become Planetary Prince of Urantia
Caligastia was denied several petitions to become Planetary Prince of a decimal or experimental world before he got assigned to Urantia about 500,000 years ago. And
The Prince and his Staff
Caligastia and his staff arrived on Urantia 500,000 years ago to oversee and administer its human affairs. Daligastia, another secondary Lanonandek Son, was the head of Caligastia’s corps of assistants and administrators. Included in this corps was a staff of one hundred ascended citizens recruited from Jerusem known as the Caligastia One Hundred, 50 ascending daughters and 50 ascending sons. The one hundred functioned as the council for interplanetary relations and cultural progression. Dalamatia, their headquarters, was the center of human progress and the cultural Mecca of the world.
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