Calculus Mortuus Amulet

The Calculus Mortuus Amulet, is said to be the mirrored sister of Incendia Silicis or "Fire Stone".
This turquoise ornament consists of four gems and is believed to posess special powers of the dead. When coupled with Incendia Silicis the ancients believed you could control the Devil himself.


The stones were first used by druids in healing & prayer ceremonies (kept surmurged in holy water at all times when not in use), until they were stolen by rouges in hopes of fending off The Black Plague.
It is said the stones were first fashioned into jewely form by a slave worker for The Pharaoh who wished to become a powerful sorcerer, although he never obtained all 8 stones, stories exist of the Pharaoh holding fire with his bare hands and "walking on air"
At some point the Calculus Mortuus were found in Romania, then lost, or perhaps stolen by gypsies
It is extremely hard to trace the origins or history of the stones, as some believe it is no more than myth or half truths.
Alister Crowley often mentioned the amulet to friends, hoping to rid himself of severe asthma and bronchitis.
This amulet has not been publicly claimed since the 1930's
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