Butterfly warrior

Butterfly Warrior is a term used by the Aztec's, it was of a legend Iztpapalotl the warrior aspect of The Aztec Mother Goddess "Coatlique". She granted soldiers who died in the battle for good and women who died in childbirth the privilege of returning to earth as butterflies, some say to become the stars in the skies some say they came to collect the eternal reward of the sacred nectar. In this myth the metaphor of coming back to earth and create the heaven's is symbolic to the of their desire to Butterfly Warriors soul(sole) mission. The metaphor of it being soldiers who died means that they were here on earth making a stand for what was right. The metaphor of women who died in childbirth is representative of the ultimate sacrifice for the greater good.
A butterfly warrior is any man or woman dedicated to personal transformation. A Butterfly Warrior is an activist that is moved by love, motivated by the possibility of heaven on earth, serves the death of the caterpillar and is the spirit of the new paradigm.
The term butterfly warrior originated after a Call to Conscious Evolution was put forth in November 2008 following a gathering of global visionaries including Deepak Chopra, Jean Houston, Michael Beckwith, Marianne Williamson, Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, and many others.
These global visionaries stated that now is the time for people who see through 'evolutionary eyes' to act on what the societal butterfly we carry in our hearts is revealing.
It is a movement that fully supports that the future is not what happens to us, but rather what WE create. The new call of the 21st century is coming from the heart of humanity and indeed the heart of the cosmos. The call is to repattern every major field and function of human society by joining together for a more compassionate and accepting life within the natural order of existence.
From this call an organization in the pacific north west was formed under the banner "Butterfly Global". Their mission is to organize the intelligence of butterfly warriors world wide in order to make a stand for humanities greatness. Butterfly Warrior’s are people that are waking up to this reality and looking for community to strengthening their numbers in order to create new agreements based on an enlightened paradigm.
The term Butterfly Warrior is a metaphor with butterfly representing transformation and Warrior representing a commitment to moving through the resistance of our present social hypnosis and personal addictions in order to take ownership of the divinity within.
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