Business innovation consulting group

The Business Innovation Consulting Group (BICG) is a research think tank and management consultancy firm founded in Madrid by Iñaki Lozano in 1999. The company was formed when Lozano left the Fraunhofer IAO Research Center , the largest and most important research institute on work-related matters in Europe, to set up a spin-off company in Spain . The Group is known for introducing workplace design strategies in the Spanish-speaking context (Lozano and Romeo, 2001). The company remains a member of the IAO’s international network.

BICG’s research and consultancy activities focus on workplace innovation and work re-engineering strategies. In particular, BICG's work with the Fraunhofer IAO has crystallized in a series of well-known collaborative projects , the most notable of which is the IAO's 'Office 21® Future of Work' project , to which BICG has contributed important literature additions . BICG's work has been particularly important for introducing the concept and practice of workplace design in Spain and Latin America

BICG has offices in Madrid, Barcelona, Stuttgart and Buenos Aires.



2000. Bullinger, H. J., S. Zinser & W. Biensenberger. 'Office 21: visions and solutions for the office of the future', Japan Hardcopy, pp. 1-12.

2001. Lozano, I. and I. Romeo. De la fábrica al club: transformaciones de la oficina en la sociedad del conocimiento. Madrid: Experimenta, Ediciones del Diseño.

2002. Bullinger, H. J. Ziegler & W. Bauer. 'Intuitive Human-Computer Interaction-Toward a User-Friendly Information Society', International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, Vol. 14, No. 1, pp. 1-23.

2003. Lozano, I. and I. Romeo. Proyecto Oficina, Madrid: Experimenta, Ediciones del Diseño.

2005. Bauer, W., I. Lozano & I. Romeo. Factores blandos, productividad y diseño de oficinas, Madrid: Experimenta, Ediciones del Diseño.

2005. Haner, U. E. 'Spaces for creativity and interaction in two established organizations', Creativity and Innovation Management, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 288-298.

2005. Fraunhofer IAO. Office 21® Push for the Future ? Better performance in innovative working environments.
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