Bushra Amiwala

Bushra Amiwala is a native of Chicago, and completed her graduation from Niles North High School and a Junior at DePaul University. She was commonly known for her track record while on her high school's debate team, and also received DECA award in 2017 for Undergraduate excellence in business. She lost the primary as a Democratic candidate on March 20, 2018, for Cook County Board of Commissioners in Illinois. She is known for taking her volunteerism to the next level of political activism through legislative canvassing, and lobbying for legislation, such as HB5508. Amiwala's campaign became a staple for many campaigns around the country, as she inspired a wave of first time young and female candidates.
Amiwala was named one of Glamour Magazine's 2018 College Women of the Year.  Bushra lost the primary as a Democratic candidate on March 20, 2018, for Cook County Board of Commissioners in Illinois. Amiwala was also listed as one of HerCampus' 22 Under 22 Most inspiring College Women. Amiwala has been recognized by Seventeen Magazine, as their "Voice of the Year," internationally.
Since her loss, she is currently running for District 73.5 School Board in April Consolidated election.  She has been invited to speak at many national conferences as a Keynote speaker, and will be speaking at TedXDePaul University.
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