Buriel Clay Memorial Theater also known as Buriel Clay Theater located on the first floor in the African American Arts & Culture Complex is a historical African-American theater in located in San Francisco's Fillmore District, that presents theatrical dramas, dance productions, musical concerts, film and video screenings, seminars and workshops. History The Buriel Clay Theatre is named after Buriel Clay, a prominent African American playwright and poet from San Francisco. Clay was one of the first African Americans to establish a cultural center in San Francisco during the 1960s. Productions Theater Throughout the years many productions have been performed at Buriel Clay including Driving Miss Daisy, How to be a White Man by Luna Malbroux, Home by Lorraine Hansberry, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof and more. Music On July 26, 2014, rapper Marcus Orelias held a show at Buriel Clay called Live From Buriel Clay Theater.