Bulbagarden is a Pokémon focused networked and includes a variety of Pokémon-related sites listed below: 1. BulbaForums -Forums on anything and everything Pokémon. From a simple chat, to a deep conversation about Pokémon franchise. 2. Bulbapedia -Wiki on all things Pokémon, cards, games, anime, etc. It runs on Wiki-coding when editing articles. 3. BulbaNews -News on the Pokémon world, such as a release date or a competition announcement. 4. Creative Corner -The Creative Corner includes three different areas: *Gallery -Where Bulbagarden's worst-best artist show off their pictures to the public. *Library -not a bore, you may read Pokémon fan-made stories here by the thousands for free. *Oekaki -Sort of like a sketchpad to draw electronically. Java powered. 5.BulbaCast -Pokémon podcast to chat about random Pokémon-related things. 6.IRC -Chat about anything. does not have to be Pokémon.