
BuildMaster is an integrated
build, release, and application lifecycle management system that provides automation of the software development build, test, and deployment processes.
Developed by Inedo, BuildMaster is a .NET-based web application that is configured entirely through its UI, in contrast to scripts or XML-based configuration files. Although the primary web application can only be run on Windows, BuildMaster orchestrates Windows- or Linux-based servers to perform various build and deploy actions.
Main Features
* Approvals and Sign-Offs can be defined to ensure that the appropriate personnel approve a build prior to deployment.
* Auditing provides a comprehensive audit trail of user and system-initiated events covering every aspect of builds, promotions, executions, deployments, and administration.
* Change Controls can maintain a history of all manual steps performed in the process of deploying an application from installing hardware to registering a new service.
* Configuration File Management enables configuration files to be defined with multiple instances (such as one per environment), in version-controlled manner, and with file deployments logged.
* Continuous Integration allows builds to be scheduled granularly or triggered by a source control check-in.
* Database Management keeps track of database change scripts (i.e., DDL/DML scripts) and manages the execution of change scripts against multiple instances of databases.
* Deployments and Deployment Plans define and execute the steps required to build and deploy software to different servers on different environments.
* Extensibility allows users to extend BuildMaster's functionality with the .NET-based API.
* Notifications are used to communicate with users (often via e-mail) to alert them of events in the system, such as a build or release being deployed, and notifications for required approvals.
* Security can be scoped, allowing privileges to be defined at application- and environment-levels; BuildMaster also supports LDAP-based authentication.
* Unit Testing - BuildMaster integrates with many unit testing frameworks including NUnit, JUnit, Gallio, and MSTest.
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