Buckeye Local North Middle School is a school in Brilliant, Ohio with an enrollment of about 250. Their colors are the same as buckeye local high schools blue and silver. Their sports ar 7th&8th grade football, 7th grade boys basketball, 8th grade boys basketball, 7th grade girls basketball, 8th grade girls basketball, 7th grade volleyball and 8th grade volleyball.
Their main rival is Buckeye SouthWest a school located in Yorkville the most fierce of these games is the North-South football game known as the Batlle Of Route 7 played at Buckeye Local High Schools World War 2 memorial stadium in yorkville.
The football team went 2-4 in 2006. the 7th grade basketball team went 8-6. the 8th grade basketball team went 2-12. and the 7th grade girls basketball team and the 8th grade team both went 7-7.