Kingston Junior High School

Kingston Middle School is a middle school located in Kingston, Washington. Located on West Kingston Road, it is close to the town of Kingston. The school has 6th, 7th, and 8th grade classes. In 2007, this school turned from a junior high into a middle school. On August 30, 2007, the 7th grade orientation took place.

School staff


Vice Principal: Mr. Brakely

School clubs

Kingston Middle School provides a series of after-school clubs led by teachers and meant for students. Clubs are currently being developed, but there are a few already established. At 5:15 PM, activity buses are meant for transportation home.

Homework Club Led by Ms. Kinyon, this club allows students to complete their homework with adult supervision in case a problem arises.


Kingston Middle School also provides different sport functions where there are after school practices. First season is girls' volleyball and boys' football. Second season is girls' drill team (cheerleading) and boys' basketball. Third season is girls' basketball and wrestling to all grades (other sports for only 7th and 8th graders). Fourth season is track for boys and girls.

Assosciated Student Body

The 2007 Kingston Middle School ASB was decided during the first month of the new school year. The ASB decides when different school spirit events are, such as dances, pep assemblies, and more.


On Oct. 19, 2007, Kingston Middle School will have its first school dance.
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