BSD libc

BSD libc is an implementation of C standard library used by BSD Operating Systems such as FreeBSD, NetBSD and OpenBSD. It first appeared in , which was released in 1994. BSD libc has some extensions that are not defined in the original standard. Some of the extensions of BSD libc are:
* <code>sys/tree.h</code> - contains an implementation of Red-black tree and Splay tree.
* <code>sys/queue.h</code> -Implementations of Linked list, queues, tail queue, etc.
* <code>fgetln()</code> - defined in <code>stdio.h</code>. This can be used to read a file line by line.
* <code>fts.h</code> - contains some functions to traverse a file hierarchy.
* <code>db.h</code> - some functions to connect to the Berkeley DB.
* <code>strlcat()</code> and <code>strlcpy()</code> - secure alternates for <code>strncat()</code> and <code>strncpy()</code>.
* <code>err.h</code> - contains some functions to print formatted error messages.
* <code>vis.h</code> - contains the <code>vis()</code> function. This function is used to display non-printable characters in a visual format.
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