Brother Corbulo

Brother Corbulo is a fictional character in the fictional Warhammer 40,000 universe. He is the greatest of the Sanguinary High Priests, who are a sect within the Blood Angels chapter.

His role in the chapter

Corbulo is a figure of great respect among the Blood Angels. He shares their primarch Sanguinius' gift of the far seeing eye, suggesting possible psychic powers. He could have taken the path of a Librarian within the chapter but instead he has flourished among the Sanguinary High Priests, and now leads their quest to find a cure for the gene flaw which leads to the Red Thirst and the Black Rage.

Brother Corbulo also has the honour of carrying the oldest artifact in the Blood Angels possession - the Red Grail. A Grail is used by all Sanguinary High Priests to hold their own blood. The Red Grail is the original grail, used by Sanguinius himself.

Gaming Role
Brother Corbulo can be included as an HQ choice in an army, and can be accompanied by an Honour Guard. The Red Grail that he carries can augment the ferociousnes of nearby Blood Angels as well as protecting Corbulo himself with its built in shield generator. Obviously Corbulo can also be used to heal wounded Blood Angels with his Exsanguinator.
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