Bringer of Storms

Bringer of Storms is the sequel to Beyond the Summerland, by the author L. B. Graham published in 2005 by P & R Publishing.
Plot summary
Warning: This review contains the ending to the first book
L.B. Graham's second installment of The Binding of the Blade series picks up seventeen years after the end of Beyond the Summerland. As the story opens we find that civil war has been raging in Werthanin as Aljeron Balinor has sought to bring Rulalin to justice for the murder of Joraiem.
The civil war began when Rulalin's home city, Fel Edorath, refused to extradite Rulalin to stand trial for the crime. Enraged and thirsty for justice (though we are left to suspect that revenge is more important to Aljeron), Aljeron convinces his city, Shalin Bel, to wage war against Fel Edorath. Over the years, the fortunes of the conflict have swayed back and forth but as the book opens, Aljeron has finally laid siege to Fel Edorath and the city appears on the verge of surrender. For a variety of reasons (mostly economic), Shalin Bel has grown weary of the conflict and sets a deadline for Aljeron, by which time he must declare victory or withdraw. This ultimatum moves Aljeron to press the attack and decisively bring the war to an end.
Aljeron does not realize, however, that Rulalin in desperation has secretly escaped the city and made his way to Agia Muldonai where he seeks the only source of help he can think of: an alliance with Malek. In exchange for his treachery, Malek promises to give Wylla Someris to Rulalin. He, in turn, must march with his men under Malek's banner and act as a liaison to the cities of Kirthanin, offering them Malek's terms: join Malek or die.
Meanwhile, Aljeron has sacked Fel Edorath but is angry to discover that Rulalin is gone. Nevertheless, he offers terms of peace to the city and begins making preparations to withdraw and normalize relations. As this process is going on, Valzaan, Allfather's prophet, appears at Amaan Sul and tells Wylla that her son by Joraiem, Benjiah (a name that could mean "The Right Hand of the LORD"), is a prophet as well. But he is not only a prophet, but he is the long expected prophet who was to finally defeat Malek. The prophecy is ominous, however, and could be taken to mean that Benjiah must perish to save Kirthanin. Naturally, Wylla is reluctant to allow Valzaan to take Benjiah to meet his destiny but when Valzaan insists that Malek's third and final assault on Kirthanin is imminent and that no one is safe, she relents.
Valzaan, Benjiah, and his two uncles, Pedraan and Pedraal, leave for Fel Edorath to assist Aljeron but they are too late. Malek's armies have issued forth from the Mountain led by Farimaal, a legendary warrior of Malek's, and Cheimontyr, a powerful Vulstryim. Cheimontyr is armed with an enormous hammer and is able to control the weather, earning him the nickname, Bringer of Storms. As the armies march, Cheimontyr causes storm clouds to cover the land and a steady, icy, driving rain to fall for weeks to dishearten the spirits of the Kirthanin. Upon hearing that Malek is on the move, Aljeron abandons Fel Adorath but not before he convinces several thousand of his former enemies to ally with him. Aljeron falls back to a strategic midpoint between Fel Edorath and Shalin Bel and prepares a defense. While he is digging in, Valzaan's party joins him.
Rulalin secures the allegiance of the remaining troops in Fel Edorath and the army marches west to engage Aljeron. A tremendous battle ensues. Aljeron's men fight bravely and well but are driven from the field with significant losses. Realizing that Kirthanin has no hope against Malek unless its armies unite, Aljeron orders Shalin Bel abandoned and his army retreats to the nearby port of Col Marena. Their plan is to sail off in a Dunkirk-ish style retreat to the cities of South where they will make a united stand.
Malek's armies arrive at Shalin Bel and quickly realize the city is empty. Guessing Aljeron's move, Malek's armies hurry south to catch him in the open. Meanwhile, Aljeron has had to abandon the roads because of civilian traffic and is moving much more slowly along the coast. As Malek's forces approach, Aljeron splits his own army, leaving a small rear guard that includes himself and Valzaan to delay Malek while his own army escapes. Valzaan, suddenly filled with the power of Allfather briefly halts Malek's entire army, even giving Cheimontyr pause. Eventually, however, Cheimontyr has an opportunity to counterattack and summoning an enormous ball of electrical energy he casts it at Valzaan, who is knocked backwards some sixty feet into the ocean, presumably dead.
Seeing Valzaan fall, Aljeron calls for an immediate retreat and his rear guard falls back to the remaining ship at Col Marena, from which they hastily sail. Farimaal orders the port burned and his army moves south, again guessing Aljeron's intentions correctly. The story ends with the stage set for more treachery from Synoki who is marching with Farimaal and sees an opportunity to spy further on Aljeron.
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