Brickbat Revue

Brickbat Revue is a 13-by-19 inch broadsheet published by SoCal Gothic Press. It was founded by Teka Lark of Morningside Park, California and Randall Fleming of Montgomery, Alabama in 2005. They began the Brickbat Revue to showcase avant-garde Los Angeles authors in a physical print format. The broadsheets are hand printed and/or letter pressed and at times the paper is handmade.
Established in the tradition of Hunter S. Thompson's Aspen Wall Posters the Brickbat Revue captures art via poetry on the front and columns on the literary and political scene of Los Angeles on the back.
The Brickbat Revue also is a live conversation that has been going on since 2006. The topics of discussion have included, but are not limited to:
1. Contemporary Art
2. Feminism in Los Angeles
3. The importance of poetry
4. Secularism in the African-American community
5. Education
6. Afrofuturism
One of the most significant series was the Little Deer Salon. It was held at both The Brewery Art Colony and the Inglewood Main Library.
Selected Authors
Brickbat Revue has published works by the following writers and artists:
*Wanda Coleman
*Larry Colker
*Brenden Constantine
*Wess Dahberg
*S.A. Griffin
*Ellaraine Lockie
*Keith Niles
*Danny Weizmann
Selected Speakers
Brickbat Revue has featured the following speakers:
*Zoe Blaque
*Gary Dauphin
*Jo Scott-Coe
*Zoelle Egner
*Adah Glen
*Amina Humphrey
*Noriko Nakada
*Kristine Schomaker
*Jaha Zainabu
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