Brett Chatz

Brett Chatz is a successful South African author and columnist. His first novel deals with the medical-fiction genre and is entitled Serum (2004, ISBN 978-1413461954). The story tracks the exploits of a woman named Ronit Levy who stumbles upon a plot of terrifying evil while working at the Al Radah Pharmaceutical Corporation in Tal Bassta, Egypt.
Upcoming Releases
Chatz is currently completing work on the sequel to the popular novel. The new story tracks the exploits of an Italian mob family in upstate New York dovetailing their deadly exploits with the primary antagonists from Serum.
Serum - The Final Chapter is scheduled for release in 2010. Chatz has a writing style which is reminiscent of Robin Cook, Tess Gerittsen and Michael Palmer, replete with suspense, cutting-edge medical scandal and riveting action scenes.
He was the leading freelance journalist for the experimental project initiated by Johncom Media. The citizen journalism website was entitled In addition he has written prolifically on sports, politics and topical interest articles.
Among the many South African print and media networks which have published his articles are: Financial Mail, The Business Times, The Star, The Sowetan, The Citizen, The Tribune, The Herald, The Times, Ha'aretz,The Sandton Chronical, The Sunday World, The Sunday Tribune and City Press.
He holds a Bachelor of Commerce from UNISA University and has completed post-graduate studies at the University of Haifa.
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