
Brehznitch is a style of talking that was first created in the early months of 2009 by Daniel Miszczuk, Grant Pickers, Shannon Cheung and Taran Cheung. Initially, Brehznitch was only used between these four people, although it quickly began to spread and is now used frequently by both males and females alike in the Brisbane area of Queensland, Australia, most notably by people in their late teens. Some people argue that Brehznitch is a language, whilst others call it an accent. Although it has certain characteristics of both, the only real way to describe it is a style of talking.
One does not need to be "taught" Brehznitch like a language needs to be, rather, you catch on to it. This is due to the addictiveness of Brehznitch. You are almost guaranteed to begin using the style of talking minutes after conversing with people that use the style. People are warned to think twice before beginning to use Brehznitch, because whilst it is easy to pick up, it is almost impossible to stop. Users of Brehznitch describe trying to give up the style of talking "as difficult as giving up cocaine, heroin and cigarettes at the same time."
Distinguishing Characteristics of Brehznitch
Brehznitch got its name from the word, "Breh." This is the word that first started the Brehznitch phenomenon. Breh is simply a variation of the word, "Bro," which is short for brother. The creators of Brehznitch originally only used this word sparingly, but as time went on they began using the word after almost every sentence. As well as the word, "Breh," other characteristics of Brehznitch began to arise over time. These characteristics include:
1. Putting the letter b in front of phrases, most notably, "Ah well," so that the phrase becomes, "Bah well."
2. Replacing the word "My" with "Me" in sentences, and accenting the word "Me" very loudly. For example, "That's ME lighter breh." A similar thing is done with the word "Your." Users of Brehznitch replace "your" with the non-existent word "Yee." For example, "That's YEE lighter breh."
3. Saying the phrase, "Yeah alright" regularly. However, the users of Brehznitch intentionally mispronounce this phrase as, "Yeah o-roight."
4. Referring to friends regularly as "their boy/s." For example, "You're ME boy breh."
5. Regularly referring to things as being fair. For example, "Give me YEE ten bucks, it's only fair breh."
6. Using the phrase "What breh?" regularly, even if a question has not been asked.
7. Creating tongue twisters. A common favourite among Brehznitch users is the name of a fictional woman, notably, "Bree Barbara Beryl Barnaby Breh."
8. Creating new fake names for each other, usually using words that associate with negative or criminal activity. For example, "Hey Rack Rorter breh." This name has been created by using the words Rack Rorter. (Rack, meaning to steal and Rorter, meaning someone that rips someone off, usually in a drug deal).
9. Regularly using the word, "'Course" in phrases. For example, "Bob are you coming to the party breh?" "'Course breh!"
10. Replying to people with the words, "Who cares breh?" This is commonly put together with the phrase, "Bah well," creating, "Bah well, who cares breh?"
11. Calling each other "dogs" when unhappy with each other's actions or words. When the word Dogs is used it is accented in a similar way "ME" and "YEE" are accented. For example, "Jim and Bob aren't coming over anymore breh." "They're DOGS breh!"
12. Using the word "Herb" regularly in reference to Marijuana. Brehznitch users enjoy referring to Marijuana as "Herb," because "Herb" backwards is the word "Breh," the most commonly used word in Brehznitch.
Example of transforming a phrase into the Brehznitch style
Original Format
Bob: Hey
Jim: Hey are you coming to my party tonight?
Bob: Yeah, definitely.
Jim: Have you got a present for me?
Bob: I sure do!
Jim: Cool. My mum said the party can only go till midnight though.
Bob: Oh well, we'll still have fun.
Brehznitch Format
Bob: Hey breh
Jim: Hey are you coming to ME party tonight breh?
Bob: 'Course breh.
Jim: Are ya getting ME a present?
Bob: 'Course breh, you're ME boy breh, it's only fair breh.
Jim: ME mum said the party can only go till midnight though breh.
Bob: Bah well, who cares breh? We'll still have fun breh!
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