Breathing games

Breathing games are electronic video games designed to be controlled with breathing controllers instead of keyboard, mouse, touch pad or other game controllers. Breathing games are designed to train kids to slow down their breathing and improve gasses exchange. Breathing games are based on a breathing technique called "Pursed Lip Breathing". Breathing games are manufactured by European company Breathing Labs.
Advantages to regular video games
Regular video games require some sort of a game controller, usually a keyboard a mouse or a touch pad. By using such game controllers a child eventually overuses some specific muscles that may result in repetitive strain injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome and others. Breathing games require only breathing muscles to be used in interaction with a video game resulting in a much healthiear and more ergonomic use.
Clinical evidence
Breathing games are based on a breathing technique called "Pursed Lip Breathing". Pursed Lip Breathing is gaining recognition in medical community since mid 60s when its positive effects had been first observed. Today there are over 2000 articles indexed in google scholar, pubmed and similar medical databases describing its clinical benefits.
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