Brazilian Fedora Project

The Brazilian Fedora Project is the community responsible for supporting, translating and spreading the Fedora Linux distribution in Brazil

The Brazilian Fedora Project consists of a number of smaller subprojects.
As of October 2007, these subprojects include:
* Fedora Documentation provides manuals, tutorials and reference materials to accompany Fedora Project releases.
* Fedora Translation works to translate software, documentation and websites associated with the Fedora Project.
* Fedora Marketing strives to increase the size of the Fedora Project user and developer communities.
* Fedora Ambassadors represent the Fedora Project at various events.
* Fedora Artwork is responsible for creating a pleasing and consistent visual experience.
* Fedora Infrastructure maintains those computer services upon with the Fedora Project depends including mailing lists and the website.
* Fedora Distribution manages distributing Fedora on physical media.

Sites / Contacts
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