Bratz Babyz: The Movie

Bratz Babyz: The Movie (2006) is the first direct-to-DVD movie based on the Bratz Babyz, the baby version of the fashion doll line, Bratz. This movie was released on September 12, 2006.

*Cloe (Angel) - has a pet piglet. Though at times of emergency she can seem to let her imagination run wild with the consequences. she is very cooperative and helpful. Cloe takes off with the other main character babies to try and find Snappy who got lost in Simon mall. After many unsuccessful attempts to try and find
*Jade (Kool Kat) - She has a pet kitty and loves to help people in need. She stands up for Snappy and takes the blame for Snappy's "accident" on the floor.
*Yasmin (Pretty Princess) - She has a pet frog. Yasmin appears to be the most calm and timid out of the group (excluding Nora). She helps Nita and Nora find Snappy.
*Sasha (Bunny Boo) - She has a pet bunny. Shasha's personality is very similar to Nita's . When aggravated, her reaction is also similar to Nita's.
*Nora (Kitten) - Nora is the shy of the 2 and inadvertently brings snappy to the mall and loses him. Nita tends to be very fussy with her
*Nita (Puppy) - Nita is the feisty twin and is known for her short temper and fierce attitude. She tends to be somewhat harsh towards Nora and frequently throws temper tantrums.
*Cameron - The only male baby from the original Bratz Boyz line to appear in the film. Cameron mainly interacts with Cloe and shows signs of attraction to her. Cameron challenges Cloe to a skateboarding videogame and falsely bets $50, much to Cloe's dismay.
*Harvey - Cameron's rambunctious and troublesome best friend. Harvey starts food fight amongst the shoppers in the Food Court.
*Ms. Calabash - Ms. Calabash is in charge of the Daycare. She is somewhat insecure and helps the Babyz achieve their goals.
*Duane - The film's antagonist. He steals Snappy and demands a $50 ransom payment from the Babyz.

* Ashleigh Ball- Cloe
* Alexandra Carter- Jade
* Maryke Hendrikse- Yasmin
* Britt McKillip- Nora/Nita
* Chantal Strand- Sasha
* Greg Ellis- Harvey
* Ogie Banks- Cameron
* Kelly Sheridan- Miss Calabash

The Story
The film opens with an introductory music video of Cloe, Sasha, Yasmin, and Jade waking up and getting ready to go to the mall with pets in hand (Cloe: piglet angel, Sasha: Bunny rabbit, Yasmin: Frog with Crown, and Jade: Black cat). (No character dialog) Which is at times shown in split screens. The music video ends with all of them on the road to the same mall.

(Charector dialog starts here) Nita, a testy impatient twin, complains that they are going to be the last of them to get to the mall because of her bumbling and clumsy identical twin sister Nora "Slowra" taking to long to get her shirt on right. Having to settle with Nora having mistakenly put on her shirt backwards, Nita rushes downstairs to the car leaving Nora to put their two identical puppies, Happy and Snappy, back into their separate kennels. Having put away Happy, Nora hastily rushes down stairs after Nita calls up to her threatening they are going to leave her. She completely neglects to put away Snappy who hops into Nora's baby bag (without her knowing this) and is brought to the mall.

Upon being strollered into Simon Mall Nora starts the first character sung song "When We're All Together" only to stop halfway after peeking into her bag and seeing Snappy. With Nita's urging (Nita: "Come on, you love this song!"), Nora secretly tucks Snappy away and continues singing only for her clear voice to catch the attention of Duane, the film's main antagonist, who then looks up at the karaoke contest banner and mischievously starts plotting.

Inside the mall's daycare center, "STAY ALL DAY AND PLAY", Cloe, Sasha, Yasmin, and Jade greet the daycares sweet optimistic adult manager Ms. Calabash and sit down at the table to talk about the karaoke contest and color. Suddenly Nita and Nora walk in with Nita yelling at Nora for something. At Nita's command Nora opens the baby bag to reveal Snappy to them. Nora loses her by accident when Snappy pees while she's holding her. Cloe, Sasha, Jade, and Yasmin decide take the sisters with them into the mall to look for Snappy. The girls dress themselves up heavily with play clothing from the toy chest and purposely be seen by Ms. Calabash as they head to a different part of the play center. Tossing the play cloths on they're pets they drop through a secret hatch above a dressing room in the ball pit with Nita and Nora and sneak out of the day care center. Little did they know, that their friends Harvey and Cameron were following them. Ms. Calabash looks to check in on the girls and believes their pets dressed up is actually them.

The girls set out to look for Snappy. After they can't catch her, they return to the food court and learn that Duane, the mall bully, kidnapped Snappy and won't give her back until he has fifty dollars by the end of the day. They get into a fight and split up into groups. There's Sasha's team which includes Nita, Yasmin, and later on, Harvey who are all trying to take Snappy back by force, and there's Cloe's team which include Nora, Jade, and later on Cameron who are all trying to earn fifty dollars instead to get back the puppy. After trying to all they're ideas fail miserably they end up back in the "STAY ALL DAY AND PLAY". Ms. Calabash surprises them with the notion that they really ARE going to the karaoke contest. She even picks their outfits even though Nora was supposed to be the only one to sing. They arrive just in time to see how meek the composition really is with an untoned contestant singing "twinkle twinkle little star" (Nora: "I think I'm going to be sick").

In the climax of the film, it's Nora's turn to get up on stage and sing in front of everyone but she gets stage fright and Nita comes on stage to help. Later after the first and second verse, Sasha, Cloe, Yasmin, and Jade come in to back-up. Then during the All Together Chorus, Harvey pulled Cameron into the scene. After the song was done, the judges immediately declare Nora the winners! Duane comes up and tries to trade the fifty bucks. However, the timid Nora finally sticks her neck out by declaring with much authority that the deal was off. She believed that if they gave Duane what he wanted he'd just keep coming back demanding more and more. He then says that's fine but he'll be taking Snappy. Nora runs into his path angrily saying, "Go ahead...and TRY!". Duane freezes as he finds himself surrounded in an oval made up of most of all the kids and babies he'd been bullying. He clutches Snappy tighter to his stomach. With the tension rising, Snappy pees on his shirt sending the bully away crying. All the babies and kids cheer for snappy and their new found bully free mall. A mall dance party takes place after this with all the main characters shown dancing to wordless techno pop. This ends the movie as the girls finish the song in a hand to hand pose.

* All Together (Starring Nita and Nora but in a group)
* We Can Do This (Cloe, Jade, and Nora,)
* Catch Me (Cloe, Sasha,Jade, Yasmin, Nita, and Nora)
* Babyz Theme (Cloe, Jade, Sasha and Yasmin)
* Ready or Not (Nora, Cloe and Jade)
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