Brainwave Attunement

A term used to describe the results accuired by introducing a Pulsatory Resonation to a subject. This process is more commonly, yet less accurately, called brainwave synchronization or brainwave entrainment.
The term Brainwave Attunement (BA) was first introduced by Dr. R. A. Benson, of the LLI Wave Lab, in a findings report to the NSF entitled Inter-Dimensional Wave Technology.
Initial Use
Here in the original text in which the term was used:

"The Pulsatory Resonation is the product of Binaural Frequencies, not beats,
which are offset to create a real change in the Brainwave of the subject. For
example: If you take a frequency that is 100Hz and play it in the left ear and take a
tone set to 110Hz and play it in the right ear the result will be a 10Hz Pulsatory
Resonation which appears to heard in the ears but is actually heard only in the
brain and in fact this frequency (10Hz) which is the difference between the other
two frequencies will act as a tuning fork and will attune your brain to 10Hz which
would put the subject in Alpha State or at Alpha Brainwave which is also a
frequency like light and sound. The LLI Wave Lab calls this process Brainwave
Attunement but it is commonly referred to as Brainwave Synchronization..."

Attunement and Synchronization
The Author later explains the reason for stating that synchronization is a less acurrate term for this phenomena. Also stating that while synchronization and attunement are quite similar, synchronization deals with timekepping and time co-ordination.
Synchronization in Humans
Here are some ways synchronization applies to humans:
*swim team synchronicity
*orchestral conductors
*dance groups
If you notice this deals specifically with motion and timing as the motivation to fall into sync. This is where the term falls short.

Attunement in Nature
Attunement on the other hand deals with synchronization as a natural occurence over time and not forced under time like synchronization. Some example of attunement in nature are:
*10,000 pacemaker cells in the human heart allow it to pulsate with a perfectly in sync rhythm
*atoms pulsing in unison create attuned light frequencies known as lasers

Notice the use of the words pulsing, frequencies,and light when speaking only of attunment functions. In the book IWT Benson explains that light and sound are frequencies and that make Brainwave Attunment (BA) the accurate terminology to use rather than the ever popular term "brainwave synchronization", since we are dealing entirely with the electromagnetic spectrum.

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