Boet Fighter

Boet Fighter is a side-scrolling beat-'em-up developed by the South African developers Cali4Ways Studios. The game has players taking control of a muscle man named Hardy Eddy as he gets into bar fights around Fourways. The game is available on mobile and on Steam. It is notable for its satirical take on South African club culture and masculinity.
Gameplay consists of attacking waves of enemies using four buttons: "Block, kick, jump and klap". Throughout gameplay, character make liberal use of South African slang.
Boet Fighter was generally well received. Cheryl Kahla noted that the game "pokes a bit of fun at some of the more hilarious parts of being a Gauteng resident" while Smangaliso Simelane complimented the soundtrack which "does a good job of getting you pumped up for a round of fighting".
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